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Biomass boiler efficiency equipment
  • Kauno energija Kaunas, Lithuania (2022) Increasing the efficiency of an existing biomass boiler plant to ≥2.4 MW by installing a second stage flue gas condensing economizer with an absorption heat pump.
  • Klaipėdos Energija Klaipėda, Lithuania (2022) Increasing the efficiency of an existing biomass boiler plant to ≥1.2 MW by installing a second stage flue gas condensing economizer with an absorption heat pump.
Projects for reducing NOx
  • Klaipėdos energija (2023) Klaipėda, Lietuva (2023) Renovation of KVGM-100 water heating boiler systems with reduction of NOx emissions <100 mg / Nm³.
  • Šiaulių Energija Šiauliai, Lithuania (2023) Upgrading of PTVM-50 (57 MW) water heating boiler systems by reducing NOx emissions < 100 mg / Nm3.
  • Šiaulių Energija Šiauliai, Lithuania (2022) Upgrading of PTVM-100 (116 MW) water heating boiler systems by reducing NOx emissions < 70 mg / Nm3.
  • Vilniaus Šilumos tinklai Vilnius, Lithuania (2020-2021) Upgrading of BKZ-75 steam boiler systems by reducing NOx emissions < 100 mg / Nm3.
  • Vilniaus Šilumos Tinklai Vilnius, Lithuania (2019) Upgrading of PTVM-100 (116 MW) water heating boiler systems by reducing NOx emissions from 270 mg/Nm3 to 80 mg/Nm3.
  • ORLEN Lietuva Mažeikiai, Lithuania (2018) Upgrading of TGME-464 (450 MW 500 t / h) steam boiler by reducing NO x emissions to 200 mg / Nm3 from gas combustion and to 450 mg/Nm3 from fuel oil combustion.
  • Vilniaus Energija Vilnius, Lithuania (2016) Upgrading of PTVM-100 (116 MW) water heating boiler systems by reducing NOx emissions from 160 mg/Nm3 to 100 mg/Nm3.
  • Vilniaus Energija Vilnius, Lithuania (2015) Upgrading of TVGM-30 (35 MW) water heating boiler systems by reducing NO x emissions from 280 mg/Nm3 to 100 mg/Nm3.
  • Vilniaus Energija Vilnius, Lithuania (2015) Upgrading of PTVM-100 (116 MW) water heating boiler systems by reducing NOx emissions from 200 mg/Nm3 to 75 mg/Nm3.
  • Vilniaus Energija Vilnius, Lithuania (2015) Upgrading of PTVM-100 (116 MW) water heating boiler systems by reducing NO x emissions from 270 mg/Nm3 to 100 mg/Nm3.
  • Vilniaus Energija Vilnius, Lithuania (2015) Design and installation of SNCR system for BKZ-50 (60 MW) steam boiler by reducing NOx emissions from 370 mg/Nm3 to 300 mg/Nm3.
  • SPGK Sp. z o.o. w Sanok Sanok, Poland 7MW biomass water heating boiler plant: supply of fuel handling system, PKS-10 furnace, boiler and ash removal systems. Equipment start-up/ adjustment works.
  • SIA Powerhouse Sarkandaugava Sarkandaugava, Latvia Design and equipment supply works for a 52 MW biomass water heating boiler plant: fuel handling system, 2 furnaces, 2 x 20 MW boilers, 2 x 4 MW flue gas condensing economizers and flue gas cleaning system. Equipment start-up/adjustment works.
  • MPEC Lembork Lembork, Poland 5.1MW biomass boiler plant: supply of fuel handling systems, PKS-6 furnace, 5.1 MW water heating boiler and ash removal systems. Equipment start-up/adjustment works.
  • PEC Chiechanow Ciechanow, Poland 1.2 MWe biomass CHP: supply of fuel handling system, PKS-12 furnace, 15 t/h steam boiler, flue gas condensing economizer and ash removal systems. Equipment start-up/adjustment works.
  • ECO RAVEN Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland Biofuel transportation systems for 30 t/h biomass steam boiler plant.
  • Megatem EC-Lublin Liublin, Poland 12 MWe biomass CHP: 50 MW boiling bed boiler (manufacturer KPA Unicon), steam pressure 68 bar(a), T=490C, boiler capacity – 55.8t/h, 2 flue gas condensing economizers, supply of fuel handling, ash removal and flue gas treatment systems. Equipment start-up/adjustment works.
  • MPEC Łomża Lomza, Poland 3.2 MWe biomass CHP: supply of fuel handling system, PKS-15 furnace, 17.0 t/h steam boiler, flue gas condensing economizer and ash removal systems. Equipment start-up/adjustment works.
  • SIA Gaujas Koks Jekabpils, Latvia Equipment supply, installation, start-up and adjustment of 15 MW biomass water heating boiler with furnace and an electrostatic precipitator.
  • GS SERVICE LLC Okhtyrka, Ukraine Supply of equipment for 2x20 MW biomass water heating boiler plant: 2 fuel warehouses with fuel handling system, 2 x furnaces, 2 water heating boilers, 4 multicyclones and ash removal system. Maintenance of equipment installation, start-up/adjustment works.
  • Daugavpils siltumtīkli Daugavpils, Latvia Development of a change project, construction and author supervision works for the new biomass boiler house with a total capacity of 36 MW (4 x 7.5 boilers) (with additional condensing economizer (2 x 3 MW)).
  • PEC Suwałki Suwalki, Poland Construction of 30 MW biomass boiler house by installing 2 x 12.5 MW biomass water heating boilers with 5 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Panevėžio energija Panevėžys, Lithuania Construction of 8 MW biomass water heating boiler with 1.8 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Litesko Marijampolės filialas Marijampolė, Lithuania Assembly of 2 x 15 MW gas and liquid fuel-powered water heating boilers with flue gas condensing economizers.
  • Forest Investment Vilnius, Lithuania Construction of 48 MW biomass boiler plant by installing 2 x 20 MW biomass boilers with two flue gas condensing economizers of at least 4 MW.
  • Klaipėdos energija Klaipėda, Lithuania 2 x 8 MW biomass water heating boilers with 2 x 1.8 MW flue gas condensing economizers. Flue gas cleaning with multicyclones and electrostatic precipitator.
  • Rīgas BioEnergija Riga, Latvia Construction of 48 MW biomass boiler unit by installing 2 x 20 MW biomass boilers with two smoke condensing economizers of at least 4 MW.
  • Comerc Charkovas, Ukraine Supply of 7 MW combustion chamber, multicyclones, fuel combustion system and ash disposal system.
  • KijevEnego Kyiv, Ukraine Addition of 24 MW flue gas condensing economizer with additional equipment; construction, assembly, launch and adjustment works.
  • Eidsiva Bioenergy Lilehameris, Norway Addition of 3.8 MW flue gas condensing economizer; construction, assembly, launch and adjustment works.
  • Neo Group Klaipėda, Lithuania Reconstruction of granule production and product warehouse building to increase production capacity up to 160 thousand tonnes per year.
  • Hella Kaunas, Lithuania Construction of Hella plant, first module. 11 thousand m² of manufacturing and office premises constructed on 8.9 hectare plot of land at Kaunas Free Economic Zone.
  • ORLEN Lietuva Mažeikiai, Lithuania Upgrading of TGME-464 (450 MW 500 t / h) steam boiler by reducing NO x emissions to 200 mg / Nm3 from gas combustion and to 450 mg / Nm3 from fuel oil combustion.
  • AuraGen Talinn, Estonia Construction of CHP plant with 67 MW of thermal power (3 х 26 MW steam boilers) and 21.4 MWe of electric power.
  • Savsjo Energi Savsjo, Sweden Construction of 10.6 MW biofuel boiler unit by installing an 8 MW water heating boiler fitted with a tubular smoke condensing economizer.
  • Latvias energoceltnieks Riga, Latvia Construction, 4 MW biofuel power plant: combined generated heat capacity – 26.9 MW, assembly of 21.4 MW boiler with 5.5 MW smoke condensing economizer.
  • SSPC-Taika Kaunas, Lithuania Construction, 5 MW biomass power plant: combined generated heat capacity – 26.3 MW, assembly of 20 MW steam boiler (25.5 t / h, 60 bar, 500 ºС) with 6.3 MW flue condensing economizer.
  • Šilalės mediena Šilalė, Lithuania Installation of sawdust dryer drum, assembly of scrapper transporter and other ancillary equipment.
  • Farmer Audrius Juška Anykščiai, Lithuania Construction of 6 MW solid fuel boiler unit by installing 4 MW and 2 MW water heating boilers.
  • Zespol Zarządcow Nieruchomošci Warsaw, Poland Assembly of two multicyclones and their ancillary equipment, installation of flue gas ducts and treatment system in 11.6 MW and 5.8 MW coal boilers.
  • Gislaved Energiring Gislaved, Sweden Water heating biomass boiler plant extension by installing a 1.2 MW flue condensing economizer.
  • Danpower Baltic Kaunas, Lithuania Construction of CHP plant with 21 MW of thermal power and 5 MWe of electric power with 6.3 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Neo Group Valmiera, Latvia Construction of 20 MW thermal oil boiler plant by installing two thermal oil heating boilers of 10 MW each.
  • Valmieras Energija Valmiera, Latvia Construction of 6.2 MW biomass boiler plant by installing a 5 MW water heating boiler with 1.2 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Litesko Kelmės Šiluma filialas Kelmė, Lithuania Construction of 12.5 MW biofuel boiler house by installing a 10 MW water heating boiler with 2.5 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Hilmer Andersson Liaserudas, Sweden Addition of an installation with electrostatic filter for 12 MW biomass boiler plant.
  • Šalčininkų šilumos tinklai Šalčininkai, Lithuania Addition of an installation with electrostatic filter for 12 MW biomass boiler plant with 1 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Litesko Vilkaviškio šiluma filialas Vilkaviškis, Lithuania Construction of 4.4 MW biomass boiler plant by installing a 3 MW water heating boiler with 1.4 MW flue condensing economizer.
  • Litesko Marijampolės šiluma filialas Marijampolė, Lithuania Construction of 12.5 MW biomass boiler plant by installing a 10 MW water heating boiler with 2.5 W flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Kauno energija Kaunas, Lithuania Construction of 12 MW biomass boiler plant by installing 8 MW water heating boilers with 4 MW flue gas condensing economizers that will operate with existing 9 MW biomass boiler.
  • Litesko Druskininkų šiluma filialas Druskininkai, Lithuania Construction of 12.5 MW biomass boiler plant by installing a 10 MW water heating boiler with 2.5 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Ekopartneris Kaunas, Lithuania Construction of 17.5 MW biomass boiler plant by installing two water heating boilers of 7 MW each, with 3.5 MW flue gascondensing economizer.
  • Utenos šilumos tinklai Utena, Lithuania Assembly of 14 t/h steam boiler with 10 MW biomass combustion chamber and condensing economizer.
  • Alvora Elektėnai, Lithuania Addition of fuel storage with bridge grab crane system for 2 x 20 MW bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) water heating boilers (combined capacity - 40 MW), electrostatic carbon filters with precipitator (ESP) system and flue gas condenser economizers.
  • Raseinių šilumos tinklai Raseiniai, Lithuania Construction of 6.2 MW biomass boiler plant by installing a 5 MW water heating boiler with 1.2 MW flue gas condensing economiser.
  • Technology Projects Kaunas, Lithuania Construction of 50 MW biomass boiler plant, installation of 2 x 20 MW water boilers with 5 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Oneks Invest Kaunas, Lithuania Construction of 50 MW biomass boiler plant 2 x 20 MW with 5 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Ukmergės katilinė Ukmergė, Lithuania Construction of a 4 MW biomass boiler plant with a 4 MW water heating boiler.
  • Lignoterma Panevezys, Lithuania Construction of a 32 MW biomass boiler plant producing saturated steam for dryers with an 8 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Audrius Juška Anyksciai, Lithuania Construction of 2 MW thermal biomass boiler house.
  • Kaišiadorių šiluma Kaišiadoriai, Lithuania Construction of a 6.2 MW biomass boiler plant with a 5 MW water heating boiler and a 1.2 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Mažeikių šilumos tinklai Mažeikiai, Lithuania Construction of a 12 MW biomass boiler plant with 2 x 5 MW water heating boilers and a 2 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Ventspilio siltums Ventspilis, Latvia Installation of fuel supply system to boiler fuel hopper and boiler house reconstruction.
  • Klaipėdos energija Klaipėda, Lithuania Construction of a 20 MW biomass boiler plant with 2 x 8 MW water heating boilers and a 4 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Šiaulių energija Šiauliai, Lithuania Construction of a 17.5 MW biomass boiler plant with 2 x 7 MW water heating boilers and a 3.5 MW flue gas condensing economizer.
  • Kazlų Rūdos šilumos tinklai Kazlų Rūda, Lithuania Construction of a 14.9 MW boiler plant with installation of 5 MW and 3 MW water boilers with boilers and 1.6 MW flue gas condensing economizer. Also the installation of a 5.3 MW shale oil hot water boiler.